It's a cartoony illustration reading "Noody's Guide to Japan 日本 - my experience" There is a drawn Noody showing the peace sign and holding a Japan flag next to the header as well as a drawn map of Japan. In the center there are three bubbles with small illustrations: 6 months at SoJo University in Kumamoto 熊本 - a drawing of Noody with a backpack walking up a steep hill to a school with Kumamoto castle in the background. Several trips through Japan - An excited looking Noody in-between the very popular sightseeing stops Tokyo and Osaka. There is the red and white striped Tokyo Tower and Osaka castle, with its mintgreen roof and white walls, surrounded by cherry blossom trees. Avid Japanese Learner and constant forgetter - a confused looking Noody with a headband with the Japanese flag on it, next to the Kanji (Chinese-Japanese letter) for "book". A fly is passing through her head.