Map: Adult Hospital & ICU Capacity by County Data: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services, American National Standards Institute As of: Apr 27, 2024 [ beadsland on Ko-fi ] Shows a color scale of 7-day average adult inpatient beds occupied over 7-day average adult inpatient beds staffed for 48 contiguous states only. Scale runs from black (well over 140%), to purple (120%), to red (80%), to orange (50%), to yellow (10%). Counties for which no hospitals/beds are reported are represented by colored hatch marks, reflecting state-level reported capacity. Patterns of black circles represent counties where adult ICUs are near full; circles are filled in where adult ICUs are entirely full. Sparse grey dots show areas where no ICU beds are reported. Most of the map is dark red-orange, more purple toward the coasts, with sprinkles of lighter orange-yellow in the interior, most prominent in the Rockies. Black indicators heavily pepper the map. Some 44 (-1) counties are reporting ≥100% capacity per HHS data. Reporting ≥90%: 180 (-39)—over 7½% of those w/ any capacity. This includes surge & overflow beds—near full can mean E/Rs with hours-long, even day-long, wait times. For counties w/ ICUs—over one in seven are full or near full. ❖ #ThisIsOurPolio #hospitals #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #nurses #MassDisablingEvent #CovidIsAirborne #BringBackMasks #dataviz #datavis