Recommendations for Protecting Farmers and Poultry, Backyard Bird Flock, and Livestock Owners To reduce the risk of HPAI A(H5N1) virus infection, poultry farmers and poultry workers, backyard bird flock owners, livestock farmers and workers, veterinarians and veterinary staff, and emergency responders should avoid unprotected direct physical contact or close exposure with the following animals and materials potentially infected or confirmed to be infected with HPAI A(H5N1) virus: Sick or dead birds, or other animals Carcasses of birds, livestock, or other animals Feces or litter Raw milk Surfaces and water (e.g., ponds, waterers, buckets, pans, troughs) that might be contaminated with animal excretions. Farmers, workers, and emergency responders should wear appropriate PPE when in direct or close physical contact with sick birds, livestock, or other animals; carcasses; feces; litter; raw milk; or surfaces and water that might be contaminated with animal excretions from potentially or confirmed infected birds, livestock, or other animals, and when going into not yet disinfected buildings where these animals or materials are or were.