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@ins0mniak @dj @lanodan @ryan
> I'm still on that HateAid thing
Holy fucking shit: .
Travis Brown is a name that you might remember, and if you do then you probably know exactly why Germany would be pissed if he has trouble going about business as usual.
After the BND's surveillance of foreign journalists was ruled illegal in Germany ( ), the BND started just laundering the activity: "It's not surveillance, it's research, and we're not doing it, just paying someone else to do it!" Travis Brown, the guy that provided the libsoftiktok dox to Lorenz, is one of the people that is cashing checks directly from the BMBF,
> The Prototype Fund is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany [ ], funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) [ ].
( , )
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@amerika @ArdainianRight @FranciscoScaramanga @GhostLiberator @GummyNerds @admin @eriner @sun
> The "no lever" solution is a fantasy, in my view.
Fedi already has no lever. That's part of the problem solved (until the Germans figure out that ICANN and IANA are levers, but you know my solution to that). You can say it doesn't work all you want but there it is working already, frustrating attempts by the state to coopt or subvert it in order to censor it. You are here, on fedi, saying things the German government does not like, and the BMBF and the BND can't stop you.
Incidentally, you were named in the README for one of the projects they have funded, so you should probably keep on top of this: . It's paid for by the Prototype Fund, :
> The Prototype Fund is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany [ ], funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) [ ].
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@cjd @shakal @0 @j @dcc @mint @pernia @sun @threat @laurel
> It would be funny if this turned into a hell thread and the original posts got replicated over 9000 servers.
It's probably been dumped all over the place even before I tagged some new people in. Seems likely that this is just amateur night at the "Guys in suits that say 'cyber' on purpose" club. @ins0mniak loves those guys, they like to corner people in bars and ramble about their certifications, and now they're on fedi, too! (:helllife: There is no escape. :hellthread:) So the best audience for such a hellthread might be the people that get a kick out of watching these guys run around while Yakety Sax plays.
Maybe instead of getting "irrevocably deleted", *different* feds have already scraped and propagated it, like the fed contractor @Drand ! (Remember him from the big scraping incident detailed in the thread at , which was allegedly just an "accidental" DoS of everyone's servers to gather information on how moderation works around here, so as to further the goal of convincing people to abandon their misinformation and all the hate speeches, but turned out to be part of a project funded by the NSF to figure out viable censorship strategies and especially how to sell censorship to the public, as covered in , which is mirrored at ?)
> "You are requested to irrevocably delete the following post(s) within 24 hours of receiving this email and not to make it accessible to any third party:"
I've been saying the feds don't know how fedi works. :shiggy:
I'm not certain this actually is a fed, though; see below.
> I don't speak German, but apparently this post made someone butthurt so I hereby approve of it.
It looks like a BND spy name Felix Juhl has been snooping around according to machine translation.
Good luck to Ian Watt, LLM, at the "FraudPrevention Team" at Artefaktum, LLC. You cannot get shit off fedi, especially things like "This Felix Juhl fellow is a spy", it goes everywhere faster than you can send a letter, and an LLC that has its "FraudPrevention Team" whose email address is "" is almost certainly not legit, especially someone that can't manage coherent English: "as you then knowingly allow the dissemination of untrue defamatory and defamatory statements on your platform", and "you should be aware that fake news and defamatory might lead to cort suit". Like, the C&D "order" (a court can "order", a private citizen can only issue a demand) reads like it was written by a non-native speaker that was kinda panicked. I think this is like that Web Sheriff guy from the 90s: Felix Juhl is making sockpuppets to sound official to try to get people to stop embarrassing him on the internet.
If I look at "ARTEFAKTUM LLC" ( ) I don't see "Ian Watt, LLM". I do see someone named "Felix J.", whose apparently got a lot of followers for someone trying to conceal his identity.
I'm very interested in what software Felix Juhl was trying to buy. According to , is hosted by Hetzner, though whois says the server is in Finland; I don't know how jurisdiction works in the EU but I imagine that if he *could* get a court order, he'd have one.
Just while I'm here and on the topic of the Bongo-National-Dongosreich (I can never remember how to expand German acronyms, I have to copy and paste "Bundesnachrichtendienst" every single time, the language makes no sense, it is not a civilized language), every chance I get to give a summary, I give it: the BND has been up to all kinds of shady stuff: when they got popped for bothering foreign journalists ( ), they didn't actually stop, they just started laundering it through the BMBF, which is doing things like doxing Libsoftiktok by funding projects like the "Hatespeech Tracker" through the Prototype Fund: , "a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany [ ], funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) [ ]" or making fake profiles on social media (as noted here, , and mentioned in this thread by a US military intelligence agent: .) Incidentally—and I'm sure this has nothing to do with anything—Adolf Hitler, when he joined the Nazi Party, was an "education officer" for the BMBF, though he quit his job after assuming leadership of the party.
So maybe Felix is just, like, one of the lower-ranking dudes. I mean, if he's a spy, then that Uwe Klapproth guy is, too. But I'm not certain that this "Euroclear" company is legit. It's all "" and "" and this does not inspire confidence in their "Cyber Risk Management" services. Maybe this is some kind of viral marketing stunt.
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@marine @admin
BMBF. "Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung". I have to look it up every time because I cannot remember it. I guess "Ministerium" should be easy to remember. The people funding things like . . (I think they are acting as a cutout for the Bundesnachrichtendienst after the court ruling that said the BNF did not have the authority to spy on random foreigners, but that's another story.)
Someone please send Germany some hyphens so that they do not say things like "Bundesministerium" or "Bundesnachrichtendienst" any more.