Argentina POLARIZATION The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer found that six countries are now considered to be "severely polarized". The state of divisiveness in Argentina is commonly known as la grieta, or the rift. Colombia Edelman has identified four metrics to watch: Countries in this zone are very divided and doubtful that differences can be overcome. AT RISK 1 Economic Anxieties 2 Institutional Imbalance 3 Class Divide 4 Battle for Truth U.S. SEVERELY POLARIZED Brazil S. Korea S. Africa Nigeria Mexico Spain France Thailand Sweden Japan UK MODERATELY India Neth. Italy Kenya My country is very/extremely divided →>>> ? POLARIZED Malaysia Germany LESS POLARIZED Saudi Arabia Canada AT RISK Australia Singapore JENO 30 FEEDBA UAE Indonesia China Ireland Nations with a fair economic outlook and high trust in institutions including China, Singapore, and India are less polarized. I do not feel these divisions can be overcome Survey of 32,000+ people from 28 countries Source: 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer