Shows a picture of that old kid's chunky and round plastic game with the arrow that would point to farm animals and moo or cluck or oink except in the middle is an aging punk rocker wearing a leather vest jacket with studs and an Anti-Nowhere League shirt. The different slots around the circumference that the arrow can land on say - clockwise from top: ANTIFA ARE AS BAD AS THE FASCISTS JOHN LYDON IS MORE PUNK ROCK THAN YOU AGE IS JUST A NUMBER NICE SHIRT. NAME THREE SONGS. WHEN DID PUNKS BECOME SO SENSITIVE PUNK USED TO BE DANGEROUS POLITICS DON'T BELONG IN MUSIC YOU WEREN'T THERE (evidently neither was he) TRUMP IS PUNK AS FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS A CIS? I'M NEITHER LEFT OR RIGHT . . . ANARCHY! FOUND THE SNOWFLAKE In the top right corner is a yellow star and over it is the text: NOW WITH AUTHENTIC IPA AND STALE TOBACCO BREATH SMELL!!!