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@Hoss @Griffith @Fartkart @meso edboat was also interested in ddosing kf
<2022-07-12T20:11:28.000Z> RoyalJohnny242: Hey, I heard you don’t like beefyboys. I dislike them immensely too
<2022-07-12T20:12:25.000Z> RoyalJohnny242: AR/Nobu suggested I reach out to you, he’s a good guy
<2022-07-12T20:19:58.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: yeh, i wanted to ddos kiwifarms but it seems like it will require heaps of work
was interested in using sjw's email service to do so
<2022-07-12T07:19:55.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: the poast matrix is good enough, i'm thinking of doing something
<2022-07-12T07:22:06.000Z> nobu: Gotcha
<2022-07-12T07:22:20.000Z> nobu: I'd join if I were smart enough to set it up but I'm not
<2022-07-12T07:26:38.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: welp, in short i want to really spam kiwifarms
<2022-07-12T07:29:06.000Z> nobu: Lmao
<2022-07-12T07:29:27.000Z> nobu: Bless you, it's more beefy boys than them though
<2022-07-12T07:37:44.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: hmmm will have to spam beefyboys later then
<2022-07-12T07:38:12.000Z> nobu: Ye
<2022-07-12T07:38:30.000Z> nobu: Fuck these niggers dude
<2022-07-12T07:39:39.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: my problem is the current uh "weapon of mass autism" is sleeping, otherwise would had already created accounts in kiwifarms and be spamming it as hard as possible
<2022-07-12T07:40:34.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: how the autismals have better sleep schedule than me is baffling...
<2022-07-12T07:41:46.000Z> nobu: Ah
<2022-07-12T07:41:51.000Z> nobu: So true lmao
<2022-07-12T07:43:14.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: oh well, will be seeing if anyone else wants to join in to the planned spamming
<2022-07-12T07:43:28.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: or if i find a better way to mess with kiwifarms and beefyboys
<2022-07-12T07:43:40.000Z> nobu: Good shit
<2022-07-12T20:18:09.000Z> nobu: I sent royal johnny your way since he's also mad at kf/beefy boys lmao
<2022-07-12T20:18:41.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: it seems that ddosing kiwifarms may not be doable tho
<2022-07-12T20:19:23.000Z> nobu: We found the beefy discord server and we're thinking about potentially making burner accounts there, spamming racism, and then reporting it. When discord bans servers they also ban all accounts in it and blacklist all IPs and devices those accounts were ever logged in from so you can't make new accounts lmao
<2022-07-12T20:22:39.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: for the burner accounts they can always be made more "real" by attaching an email account to them
<2022-07-12T20:22:53.000Z> nobu: Ye
<2022-07-12T20:23:05.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: and recently sjw made it so that with just one account on you get 100 addresses
<2022-07-12T20:23:49.000Z> nobu: Amazing. Bless SJW
wanted to bait kiwis with "cunny threads"
<2022-09-16T17:28:50.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: do u got an acc in the matrix server?
<2022-09-16T17:28:59.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: u know, just in case
<2022-09-16T17:30:41.000Z> Mykse: No. I should probably make one
<2022-09-16T17:30:48.000Z> Mykse: I have a Varish account though by the same name
<2022-09-16T17:32:13.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: i know, i may need to start an alt just in case
<2022-09-16T23:25:15.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: i thought i could bait more aggro from kiwis but oh well
<2022-09-17T02:17:28.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: cunny threads work
<2022-09-17T05:25:11.000Z> Mykse: Hahaha
<2022-09-17T05:25:20.000Z> Mykse: The cope
<2022-09-17T05:26:56.000Z> EdBoatConnoisseur: 80% of the farmers i've seen don't deserve empathy