That reaction is BAD PRAXIS:
The thing that defeats fascism is coalition-building. That is a strictly necessary condition.
Hitler rose to power because the center and the various leftist factions spent more time punching each other than they did punching Nazis. Coalitions are all about working with people you don’t necessarily like.
So people who can afford Teslas are too rich for you to be besties, even the anti-fascist ones? Fine. Whatever. If you can’t work with them to fight fascism when they want to fight fascism, we’re all screwed.
It doesn't make it sound like alchemy to me. It sounds like "just business."
They need a funding model. This has been true from the beginning. They don't have one, they need one, but it hasn't been clear even to them what it will look like.
So they aren't closing doors on what that funding model might look like until they have more information on what they are becoming, since they've already diverged somewhat from where they started there.
では、なぜあなたは Twitter X を使い続けるのでしょうか?この質問には判断力はありません。本当に興味があります。
Elon is no friend of blue voters, facts, democracy, science, & free speech, but he does appear to be friends with misinformation, hate speech, TFG, blocking access to sites he doesn’t like.
So, why do you stay on Twitter X? No judgement in this question. I am genuinely curious. @Unampho @thekernelinyellow I'm not sure what being white has to do with anything" is the mealy mouthed, soft worded way that people say "I'm tired of hearing you complain about anti-Black racism!"
I'm not sure if that's what you're doing, but that's what it sounds like.
So I'm going to answer you in good faith: US news thinks white kids are cuter than Black kids, so they usually make these videos starring white kids, not Black ones. You can easily find several featuring white kids.
Still, my teachers encouraged me to go and meet them, just to see what it could be like.
So, off I went, spending the morning at one of those two scools, and the afternoon program was simply to spend the rest of that day at the second school.
The first thing that got my attention in the first school is that while their website advertise sound design, they also focus on live stage performance and music, which I was not the slightest bit interested in. It also implied dealing with lighting, which... Yeah, you guessed it, I couldn't ever hope to manage.
The other thing is that they claimed the school year to be extremely fast. You enter in september, then in june the next year, you get out of there, fully capable on your own. And they didn't think I could keep up.
They also required every student to buy a mac. That's right. They didn't even provide you with this.
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