The crowded canteen of the Herald Petrel, in the center a large round table with a map-like board and some pyramid-shaped game pieces on it. On the right hand side Kartawijaya is sitting with three cards in hand, arguing with Siff who is standing and points to the table. Both wear the blue uniforms of the bridge crew and are talking at the same time. On the left, both Galahad and Raffi are watching the argument, Raffi amused, Galahad staring dreamily/upset/sad at Siff, In the background O'Brian has grabbed Sinclair by the lapels and threatens to punch him with her raised fist. Sinclair smiles and makes a pacifying gesture. In the foreground Cox is staring confused/contemplating at his cards while Waylon takes another drink (looks like beer) in a glass tankard from a plate a waiter carries. Artwork by