@jerry My understanding is that those kinds of engagement-bait math posts are intentionally ambiguous to foment disagreement. They're the kind of problems you'd never see in academia because the order of operations are under-defined.
Apple is implementing JPEG XL support in Safari 17 while Chrome is dropping support due to a perceived lack of interest (despite major public support for the codec)? This continues to be the strangest timeline 🤔
If you've never heard of JPEG XL before, this site hits all the highlights about why it's such a great codec to replace JPEG (and a lot of other codecs too...): https://jpegxl.info/why-jxl.html
@horse@tychotithonus Not putting Login.gov front-and-center feels really short-sighted to me. I think it's a surprisingly great SSO option for a government site, and wonder why more organizations like the VA don't/aren't required to standardize on it.