I'm back home! Hubby and I spent a few days in Homer and it was lovely. I am not a photographer so don't expect greatness. This eagle was sitting on the side of the road watching the traffic go by, people stopped to take the eagle's picture and I got very close to the eagle as well. I've never been this close to an eagle and it was fascinating! #Alaska#HomerAlaska#HomerEagle
OMG!! Michelle Hanson took these fantastic photos of the Northern Lights over Pioneer Peak and one from near the Knik River Bridge. Absolutely breathtaking! #Alaska#NorthernLights#SpringInAlaska
A different perspective of the Northern Lights over Fairbanks, Alaska last night! Photos by Sacha's Midnight Oil Photography. #Alaska#NorthernLights#SpringInAlaska
Only in Alaska would a moose climb on top of a brand new Audi so he/she can reach the blossoming green leaves of a pussy willow tree. Photo by a friend. #Alaska#AlaskaWildlife#Moosetodon
Papita, the stunningly beautiful harbor seal that lives at the Alaska SeaLife Center. Outside playing in the snow. :) Courtesy of the AK SeaLife Center.
The white raven holds special meaning for Alaska Native people, according to Rosita Worl, a Tlingit anthropologist and president of the Sealaska Heritage Institute.
“There is definite excitement in the Native community throughout Alaska in seeing White Raven, reconfirming for Native Peoples Raven’s trickster nature and his transformation capabilities,” Worl said in an email.
Oral tradition holds that Raven was white to begin with, “but through his antics he was transformed into a Black Raven,” Worl said.
I went for my walk after it had snowed about 4 inches so needless to say, I got one helluva workout since it was still coming down and no plows in sight. It was beautiful! I had the park all to myself. #Alaska#CentennialPark#KenaiRiver#WinterInAlaska