@Zealist@CatLord They're pretty nice. I'm glad these two roosters are fairly nice to each other. The brahmas are also nice, but they do pick on the orps a bit.
@CatLord@Zealist so the Brahma (the black-feathered ones) ladies are bigger and like to pick on the Orpington ladies so yes, they get saddles to protect the feathers (though one has blucote or however that's spelled because it was pecked on the shoulder feathers as well :cryingcat:)
@Zealist@skylar tomato paste + pumpkin (not puree) surprisingly makes a very nice pasta sauce that *seems* like tomato but is fruitier and doesn't have the texture that a lot of people dislike about tomatoes
@Zealist oh that's definitely the problem, but with such short summers here the suggestion is to start them ASAP, so I did, and then it went from "too cold to plant" to "80 degrees HAHAHAHA" lol, it happens :blobcatdance:
ughhhh my cabbage and spinach bolted - I was able to get some greens out of it anyway but I had maybe a week of "spring" between winter and summer this year so I don't think the plants liked that very much.
@Zealist Aw that's awesome! I canned a bunch of pumpkin (and acorn and butternut squash, but a LOT of pumpkin) last year and I *still* have cans even though I've been trying to use them lol This year, I even started some *BLUE* pumpkins :blobaww: but it's still early in the growing season here so I have no idea what I'll get
@Zealist :blobthinkingeyes: *is* it the vine borers? I learned that you can cut into the stems and pull them out (and feed them to the chickens! :pepereeeee:), and then cover the stems back up, but not all will survive that, and I still missed a bunch last year. The pumpkins were more affected than the zucchini for me, but the pumpkins were easier to cut into and then bury the stem (a bit tougher with the zucchini).
@Zealist My zucchini are doing pretty well this year so far but I'm worried about the stupid vine borers :pepereeeee: I got a decent amount of them last year despite planting them in a less-than-great place, even got one giant one! :blobcatdance: