So tomorrow there are national elections in The Netherlands and I need to acquaint you with two oddities. For one, we take our democracy entirely for granted so we mostly vote in.. garbage bins. Secondly, our ballots are HUGE as they list 28 parties and 1128 candidates (no joke). So we need to make good use of the space in the garbage bin. For this purpose, polling stations are equipped with the STEMBUSSTAMPER, specially designed to tamp down wayward ballots:
I now *truly exist*! If you search for my (still existing) bert_hubert account on the bird site, you won't find it anymore. Checked from various places. I'm told this is a "search shadow ban". I do feel like I've achieved something now...
So I'm still sorta amazed. Europe's telco standards body ETSI allows member companies to vote directly on decisions. Apple weighs in with 21 (!!) separate country operations as members. There are 11 local Samsung entities, 11 Qualcom, 10 Intel and 7 Huawei. Probably all a coincidence.