Montanans 🚨 ACTION Alert CALL 406-444-4800 FOR ACTION ON THE SENATE FLOOR ASK FOR A GREEN LIGHT DURING THE SECOND READING TODAY ON HB 83.2 ESTABLISH STATE SPECIAL REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR MONTANA MISSING INDIGENOUS PERSONS TASK FORCE HB 83.2 (LC0259) Establish state special revenue account for Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force Sponsored by Sponsor: Running Wolf, Tyson; Requester: State-Tribal Relations Committee 2ND READING DATES: 02/07/2025 1 p.m. #MTLeg#MTPol
Please use the full contact list for all House members. Copy and paste that list into a personal email. Or, if you use the usual legislative services link and copy your message to these 3 committees, you will essentially reach the entire House floor: Appropriations, Judiciary, Taxation
When the Montana Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Held plaintiffs, part of its ruling found parts of the Montana Environmental Policy Act unconstitutional because it prevented the state from considering impacts on the climate in environmental analyses.
Our Constitution provides for a clean and healthful environment, that requires the EPA to evaluate air quality. The state of Montana adopted a law in 2010 to protect public health by limiting the amount of mercury emissions from coal plants -- this was years prior to any federal laws. HB 291 would have made it impossible for the state to adopt those regulations.
Montanans: OPPOSE HB 291 on the House Floor. Revise laws related to air quality standards #MTPol#MTLeg#CleanAir
HB 291 would prevent the state from implementing any air pollution standard or regulation unless the federal government requires the state to do so or does so first. However, the federal government does not currently have any air pollution standards.
Please use the full contact list for all House members. Copy and paste that list into a personal email. Or, if you use the usual legislative services link and copy your message to these 3 committees, you will essentially reach the entire House floor: Appropriations, Judiciary, Taxation
This bill also tries to prevent the state from regulating greenhouse gases, Montana’s constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment requires the state to protect present and future generations even when the federal government fails to do so.
As identified by the Office of Public Instruction, using numbers and mathematical operations helps children develop the ability to explore ideas, make sense of the world, and find meaning in the physical environment.
Currently, Montana offers intervention programs to help children reach reading proficiency, but early math skills are the strongest predictor of future academic achievement.