Drama is NOT oversaturated, all the fucking channels still on Youtube cucked out to trannies and jews and can't go hard at anyone out of fear that they will be removed and have become absolute bores (Keemstar shoud have retired instead of becoming dogshit).
The few that moved out of there are not precisely drama focused, we have Randbot (and he's not even a proper drama channel), and, that's about it, if you don't like him you're out of luck, everyone else is cucking to stay on youtube to some degree.
Yeah, he knows that era of YT is over. There's no one left worth talking about, you can't say anything funny about anyone without getting in trouble, it's nothing but globo homo approved video goy slop at this point.
Might as well just phone it in and let it fade, squeeze whatever you can while you still can.
He should bring back stream.me, though, man I miss those leader board streams.
There are videos of angsty bus drivers driving buses full of people off bridges cause they can't get any pussy (literally, all girls aborted during one child policy left behind millions of real involuntarly celibate men).