Dang, it's that weird liminal moment when my friends on the East Coast can publish all the derivative works of the earliest versions of Mickey mouse that they want, and here in California I cannot!
While I narrowly avoided a career in camwhoring, I do have a Cameo. And they're cybermondaying the shit out of things, 20% off until Tuesday 11/28. https://www.cameo.com/mc_frontalot
Zarathustra: How did this thing get its weird name
Zarathustra's homie: Well, it is, we see, on the one hand, as a fork must be, and then, on the other hand, at once another thing, a spoon in its aspect.
Skimmed a Politico rundown of the 20 holdouts in the House Speaker election, and the pictures were all WONDERFUL, so I fixed the summary bios to match. (thread)