Sedan 7 okt 2023 har över 42 000 palestinier, varav minst 13 300 barn, dödats i Israels militära offensiv. Ytterligare 97 000 palestinier har skadats. Israel har begått förbjudna handlingar enligt folkmordskonventionen, såsom dödande, orsakandet av allvarlig kroppslig el psykisk skada & tillfogat levnadsvillkor som är beräknade att leda till folkets fysiska undergång.
Enorma protester tvingade SD-regeringen till undantag i sin angiverilag. Johan Pehrson låtsas för sina väljare att det var tack vare Liberalerna - men utan deras stöd hade angiverilagen aldrig funnits. Med ena handen firar Johan Pehrson på Twitter som att han vunnit en seger (mot den regering han själv ingår i). Och med andra handen ger han tumme upp till Åkessons andra idéer.
I norra Gaza finns inte en enda ambulans kvar. Alla har sprängts eller bränts ner i samband med räder mot sjukhusen. Sjukhuschefen K Edwan, vittnar om att skadade människor tar sig till sjukhuset till fots. Många av dem förblöder på vägen dit.
Alla, precis alla, borde bli rasande. Alla borde bli ursinniga. När tappade vi människor allt förstånd & all empati för oskyldiga civila.
“we shall see a profound degradation in the ability of this nation to govern itself rationally & fairly, with freedom & political equality under the rule of law. Because that’s not actually a prediction. It’s a logical deduction based on the words & deeds of the president-elect, his enablers & his supporters & a long & often sorry record of human history. Let us brace ourselves.”
Wednesday wasn’t just a good day for Trump. The wealth of the world’s 10 richest people also soared by a record amount. The world’s 10 richest people got a record $64 billion richer from Trump’s reelection.
My sister sent this to me without words. The most iconic scene in Planet of the Apes. An image that stuck, with the Statue of Liberty, only partially intact after the decline of democracy. Today's reality is far from it but alarming. An authoritarian nationalist-populist politic has now taken place.
I switched off when the first indications came. Not going to put any energi into this, just accept the fact. When you vote for an unsympathetic, hateful, criminal & pathological liar without considering the (non-existent) message he has put forward during the election campaign, you get what you deserve. An uneducated, narcissistic & corrupt racist. Compared to a well-educated, articulate & unifying woman who fought corruption throughout her professional life.
It takes a monster to kill children. But to watch monsters kill children again & again and do nothing isn’t insanity - it’s inhumanity. - Amanda Gorman, Poet
Kids are not terrorists. Australian UN expert lashes out at Netanyahu, shuts up Israeli with facts & their benefits by mentioning the advantage that Israel has taken during decades long wars where Israel has not done its duty, ignored human suffering & allowed UNWRA stand for the help they should have taken responsibility for themselves.
Hamas's brutal attack on Oct 7 that killed & violated young & old was a cowardly & inhuman act of terror. It led to a massive military attack which is now beyond control. FOR ONE YEAR it has caused chaos & immense unspeakable suffering. This is a continuation of Israel's crimes against humanity that started 76 years ago.
Swedish 🇸🇪 AU citizen. Live in Singapore. Education & occupation in design & media. Bookworm interested in politics, architecture, design, art, history & travel.