Wireless keyboards are great for travel, but why do so many people just buy them to "make their desk setup look clean"? I understand using a wireless mouse at a desktop because it moves, but a keyboard? :ablobcatcoffee:
:ablobfoxbongo: "You see, we human beings are not born with prejudices; always they are made for us, made by someone who wants something. Remember that when you hear this kind of talk. Somebody's going to get something out of it, and it isn't going to be you." :blobthinkingeyes:
The unfortunate reality of what is likely a large majority of #retrocomputing communities being vacuumed up by Facebook Groups is honestly a little depressing :blobcat_thisisfine:
“They don’t teach you about taxes in school” people should’ve tried this thing called “Consumer Education”. In Illinois at least, it’s been a state-wide requirement since 1967. :blobcatthink: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/consumer_ed09.pdf#page42
There were these things called libraries, which let you borrow DVDs, later Blu-Rays, and sometimes even actual video games and play them for free without ads! Not to mention the fact that you could borrow eBooks written down on paper for free too!
There was even this thing called antenna TV, which let you watch shows and sometimes movies for free, and there were these things called DVRs which let you record these shows and movies, then skip the ads!
Everyone kept making jokes about Microsoft Recall coming to Linux, but then somebody actually did it. :blobcatgooglytrash: https://github.com/openrecall/openrecall
The VPC-P11 series Sony Vaio's design is so timeless that a certain company tried (and failed) to steal its look for a "popular" tech product which shall remain unnamed.
👋Hi, I'm Aaron, nice to meet you!📽️ I (sometimes) make videos on the internet that vaguely resemble good content.📸 I also sometimes do little photography experiments.🐧Of course I run Linux, it's in the name :)🦣 I wanted to try out Mastodon about 3 years ago, and I ended up here. Never used Birdsite!Alt: @Linusina_BitHashtags for https://fediverse.info/: #fedi22 #linux #tech #foss #floss #technology #opensource #privacy #nobridge #nobot