— the indie-bookstore-supporting alternative to Audible— is offering a free audiobook credit to anyone who completes 10 hours of audiobook listening between Feb 5-14 ❤️
It’s the honors system, and listening to any audiobook on any platform counts, it doesn’t have to be!
The companies advertising on the official Severance podcast really do *not* get what makes Severance such a corporate dystopia of a show, because to a company their ads sound horrifically Lumon-like on the podcast. Like “oh no! I am never doing business with that company again!” bad.
There is a certain level of professional and/or academic musicianship where the gatekeeping is performed by referring to pieces solely by their opus, Köchel, or BWV numbers.
And heaven forbid you forget what Beethoven 133 or Bach 1005 is!!!
One of the weird things about being a violin teacher is having parents who are pushing their kids to audition for All State orchestra, not realizing that 4+ years of orchestra and a few years of lessons doesn’t automatically mean their student is playing on par with the top students in the state. So they eagerly ask me about it, not realizing their kids are 2 to 4 years behind the level to be competitive.
One of the things I find mildly frustrating about teaching neurodivergent kiddos is when their parents give instructions (“Focus! Don’t wiggle! Look at the teacher!”) that assume their child’s brain is not going at 200 miles an hour ALL THE TIME.
Your child is awesome. It’s my job as a teacher to give that 200 mph brain something to DO to keep it engaged. Your child does not have an “Idle” button in their brain that they can press at will to become a passive child. And that’s a GOOD thing.
Why did none of you tell me that the new teaser trailer for the 2023 #Barbie movie is a 2001: A Space Odyssey spoof??? This is CRUCIAL information you’re withholding!!
violin, books, yarn, and other nerdy thingsprofile pic: photo of a violin, showing only part of the bridge, f hole, and C boutheader: a happy Whimsicott Pokémon frolicking on a lawn of dandelions, both yellow flowers and cottony seed heads