@lain@kaia Your conditions are acceptable, if I stop seeing European folklore portrait by people that are suited to portray African folklore and I also stop hearing people talk about it. Because both these things are annoying and stupid.
@kaia How about we simply forbid the 'muricans from using European myths for their movies and force them to make their own shit? 🤔 That would solve so many problems. The woke leftist won't get to soil our heritage with their bullshit and the rednecks shut up because they don't have anything left to screech about.
@lain Mal angenommen das stimmt, was ich bezweifele, dann sind die Leute also zu blöd um selber kritisch zu denken und Dinge nachzuprüfen und wollen ihr Denken an ein orwellsches Wahrheitsministerium abgeben. Nun, Covid hat uns gezeigt dass das der Fall ist. Wir sind zum Untergang verdammt. Milliarden müssen sterben.
@kaia You know what I find really concerning. The word eurobucks is commonly used on the internet, but it was first used as slang for the Eurodollar that is used as currency in Cyberpunk 2013/2020/2077/RED. How could it have predicted such a little detail?
@kaia Yes, Go is awesome. It is really easy to learn and pretty performant. At least more performant than JS or Python.
I don't push to CSV. I have a xlsx file that the customer provided. There is a library (https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/xuri/excelize/v2) I use to read the data from the file and write it into a PostgreSQL database. Of course this data needs to be normalised beforehand. When that is done I can write a server that returns the data and filters it according to the users input.