@Turdicus In contrast to men, women don't often gain value by what they've done, but rather by what they haven't. Must not be a whore. Must not have a tattoo. Must not have weird piercing. Must not eat hot chip. Must not lie.
:confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: It's the last Friday of 2024!!! 🥳🎉 :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti: :confetti:
Lots we got done this year and also so much more work to be done in the future. But fear not, because there's still enough time left in the year to complete some important tasks like telling those close to you how much they mean to you. Seaking of which... 🤔 To all my funky friends on the fediverse, I love you! :sailorheart: 💕
@KuteboiCoder@YeetLibs Only a real woman could've had a woman moment strong enough to make the tweet referenced. If you're just subtly baiting for said shondo clip, here it is:
@YeetLibs And if you want to know why we like the anime themes even though they often aren't for mass audiences, @sawa_sama does a good job of explaining it. youtu.be/ol6Rv5UzSz4
:chad0:: Yeah, I guess you could say I'm into real country music. :elle:: Oh, you mean like Johnny Cash? :chad0:: I said real country music. :confederate_naval_jack:
Please allow me to introduce myself, My clothes are as bright as the neon city skyline My headphones are as plugged in as my gamer sense. My music is on media with as many dimensions as an anime girl. My senses can travel to Japan, Europe, and back without ever leaving my apartment.
My name? No need. It could never match my style, But if you join me on the dance floor, perhaps you might. ;)