@thanius People who stream via Spotify don't at all support artists even nearly as well as pirates; there's research to support this.
The main thing about Spotify is, they want to completely cut off record labels and just have AI produce stuff that they would 'curate' to consumers. It would maximise Spotify profits.
Remember, Dee Snider fought valiantly alongside Frank Zappa and others against diabolical associations like the PMRC. He knows what he's talking about.
'According to Spotify data, there are around 100 million songs on the service, yet only around 37.5 million meet the new requirements to generate revenue.'
From 2024, Spotify are essentially taking away payment for a little less than two thirds out of all the materials that artists create that is available via Spotify.
2. Conspiracy to commit wire fraud on FTX customers
3. Wire fraud on Alameda Research lenders
4. Conspiracy to commit wire fraud on Alameda Research lenders
5. Conspiracy to commit securities fraud
6. Conspiracy to commit commodities fraud
7. Conspiracy to commit money laundering
With the seventh charge, the jury was additionally asked to determine if he committed concealment money laundering, wire fraud proceeds money laundering, or both. They checked “both”. This means that they found that Bankman-Fried had engaged in money laundering for the purposes of concealing the source, nature, ownership, or location of the funds *and* that he had committed money laundering for the purposes of concealing the proceeds of wire fraud.'
"Under tisdagen presenterade regeringen nya metoder som ska införas hos polisen i kampen mot gängkriminaliteten. Möjligheten att preventivt och utan konkret brottsmisstanke avlyssna personer, har redan trätt i kraft.
– Vi håller på att skapa ett övervakningssamhälle som inte kommer att lösa problemen, säger advokaten Johan Eriksson i SVT:s Aktuellt."
"Sedan millennieskiftet har de sammanlagda skulderna för hushåll och företag i Sverige ökat från 3 000 till över 12 000 miljarder kronor, enligt SCB.
De enda tydliga vinnarna på detta är bankerna och vad som kan kallas det finansindustriella komplexet: fastighetsbolag, mäklarfirmor, rådgivare och riskkapitalister.