Got this today at @legendscomicssales - this is a classic manga about Hiroshima atomic bomb. A masterpiece. I’ve been meaning to have the whole set in Japanese but today I saw this at Legends and picked it up. This is my first time reading it in English but it’s so nostalgic to read it again after all these years. Obviously it’s not a happy story, and some parts are quite graphic and scary but at the same time it’s quite moving and inspiring. Highly recommended. #manga #barefootgen #hiroshima
Today I picked up my BCP and it was FREE thanks to AccessBC! The pharmacist was a woman and I asked “So… I hear BCP is now free?” and she said “I know. Isn’t that great?” and we shared a quick solidarity moment there. Prescription contraceptives are now free in BC! Woo hoo! This will help so many people. 今月からBCでは処方箋による避妊薬が無料になりました!薬剤師さんが女性で、「これって無料なんですよね?」って言ったら「そうなんですよ、すごいですよね」って言ってくれて一瞬女性同士で喜び合えて嬉しかったな。これで助かる人沢山いると思う。 #womensrights #reproductivehealth #womensrightsarehumanrights
Murakami's new book is coming out on April 13- I am buying it for sure, but I want to start reading as soon as possible. I can buy the digital version and start reading right away, but I also want the hardcover....hmmmm #murakami
Japanese #CulturalConsultant in Film&TV #Writer #Film Sentiment Analyst #Interpreter Podcaster #Feminist #Watercolor artist. #Arts advocate. She/her. Admin at Japanese Canadian Artists DirectoryI host Brené Brown Book Club to encourage people to live courageously. #FountainPen aficionado. I post in English/Japanese. Interested in changing culture.#カナダ 在住ライター #文化コンサルタント #通訳 #ポッドキャスト「はみだし系ライフの歩き方」プロデューサー。ブレネー・ブラウンブッククラブ主宰 社会を変えたいひと #万年筆 好き#BreneBrown#Podcast#Murderino#ブレネーブラウン#映画