Last night I watched the Korean movie okja. I love Pon Joon-ho's films. The impact this movie had on me was awesome! The fleshy shape of a big pig called ''super pig''. The loving eyes of ''okja'' and the strong bond between the girl. I don't think I will be able to eat pork for a while. The work was not direct, but it was packed with a strong message to human beings. #Koreanmovie#okja#movie#Netflix
Oh, by the way.. Maybe it's true what they say, that the more tired you are, the more sex drive you have. I've heard that theory. ? I realize that today.
Totally unrelated, but I had no choice but to make a huge batch of seafood pasta. I'm going to eat it now! Have a great day! And Good evening! my friends! ?✨⭐️⭐️?❣️ #monologue
In Texas I saw a veil of silence that comes from being afraid. Abusers are indeed able to destroy lives and do much harm. But freedom means we can be honest, even when they silence the truth. Call their bluff. #TellTheTruth ?️ #Freedom#UnitedStatesOfAmerica ??
A conversation between two of the most powerful people that will make you laugh and blow away your fears and doubts. This book will be my bible from now on. 不安や迷い、心のモヤモヤを吹き飛ばす、最強のアーティスト2人の対談集。 「どうやらオレたちいずれ死ぬっつぅーじゃないですか」 心がしんどい時。 これからこの本は私のバイブルになる。 #リリーフランキー#みうらじゅん #books#Japan