@CliffWade Yeah I have used Fedilab for a while and it just stopped giving live notifications. I have Trunks installed basically for notifications. I did have the f-droid version installed so I am trying the Google play version again to test @jcrabapple
@apps my feed is jumping around like crazy with the latest update. I'm seeing a lot more "fetching" messages when scrolling. It's almost like the cache is not working.
@apps Will there be an option to change the text color and or background color for DM in the main TL. Or will the update take it completely out of the main TL?
I can't be the only @apps user where the timeline jumps around when loading/fetching more posts. I am using cache. I have it set to delete cache when I close the app. Even when I open the app, the timeline isn't in the right spot. Am I using the app incorrectly? #fedilabapp#fedilab
I like Disney parks and a whole lot of geeky nerdy stuff.Wild life Photography and other Photography Star WarsMarvelDoctor WhoThe IT CrowdPhiladelphia Sports teamsF1Gundam/Gunpla 3D PrintingI also have ADHD and so sometimes my posts are completely random.I've worked in IT for 15 years now. Mostly Microsoft hardware/software. Microsoft 365 and Azure. Currently in a IAM System Engineer Specialist role. Always learning new things.