Sometimes I think the NewPipe app should do something like a cache sharing with mesh network, in order to avoid hitting YouTube server and add more resilience. Users would share their cached content among themselves.
Today I discovered that the author of 3Blue1Brown channel also created a Python library called MANIM, which stands for "Mathematical Animations". It helps to create animations for classes, for example.
This is very interestig when it comes to teaching. As Thomas Aquinas says, "nothing is in the intellect that wasn't first in the senses".
Um elefante incomoda muita gente. Um vizinho de apartamento que berra, se esguela, pronunciando palavras de baixo calão, todo santo jogo do Botafogo incomoda muito mais.
Free software supporter • B.Sc. CS • :gnu:, :alpinelinux:, :debian: user.Feel free to ask to follow me! I write mostly in English, and sometimes in português! 🇧🇷 • #nobot🍃 I like Bash, coffee and minimalist software.🧑🔬 Information retrieval, image processing and machine learning researcher.