#Satisfactory 1.0 solo game progress: I make a whole lot of QuickWire... again. This time it's aimed at equipment needed for nuclear power production. And to do this I built along... the edge of a bottomless chasm. Because I'm a nutbar, apparently.
@badnetmask There are a few ways to deal with railway placement, two of the most common being "just lay a row of foundations and slap tracks on top" and "build rail supports in the blueprinter." I use both as needed.
@smartperson The aurora effect is, to the best of my knowledge, a FICSMAS event element. I won't be surprised if there's a huge push on the QA site already for people begging to make it a permanent option though.
#Satisfactory#FICSMAS Day One report: Lots of scrambling to pick up airdropped presents, which means *lots* of opportunity to listen to ADA snark about the entire dingdanged event. Love it.
The bulk of my game time today involved completing the rail line south along the coast and down into the grassy starting area, where I'll build my festive holiday pavilion. Eventually.
#Satisfactory solo 1.0 game progress for the Thanksgiving holiday: I went from only half a plan and nothing built to getting a source of sulfur ready and most of the refineries placed at what will become my Turbofuel power plant. This will be my first time using the Heavy Oil Residue & Diluted Fuel trick to really get the most out of my source crude oil.
I have to bite my (metaphorical) tongue a lot lately. "Oh no, I got COVID! And I was so careful!" Okay, and how did you get it? "I went on vacation, not sure if it was from one of the plane flights or being in a crowded tourist destination!" Um. So careful, eh?
@puniko Last time I set up a streaming rig (a year ago? two? what is time?) it ended up being that. Seems like nobody's really felt like challenging the standard in a while.
Managed Services tech nerd in the Pacific Northwest US. Dabbles in #photography, used to run a webcomic, plays some games but not really "a gamer." Enjoying the quiet life, or trying to anyway, which is rough given... gestures randomly at everything in general. I have opinions about #music and #animation (love me some #anime), but I try not to be a dingbat about it. Lots of #duckies strewn about.