(talking about pimax stuff) n: wow they're really trying to get rid of the portal j: what was that n: the nintendo switch you could dock into a headset j: isn't that what valve is making
@Polychrome@poly.cybre.city i haven't really had time to try it so i can't give you an informed answer unfortunately. Basis is another one to look out for too. and of course there is v-sekai
sadly i think i will pretty much have to wait for one of them to gain some measurable amount of momentum over the others before i can give it a fair try. i'm very interested in any open source vrsns but i already have so many ongoing projects and limited time to spend in vr at all...
I started logging the mains waveform because I noticed when we have power outages, the power tends to flicker badly instead of simply going off, and I just really wanted to know what that looked like.
The setup is simple - a small transformer to knock the voltage down to a usable range, into a cheap USB mixer, into a laptop which runs arecord in a loop. Could easily do it using a Pi or something like that, but for me the laptop has a battery and is already on 24/7 doing some radio monitoring.
The video of the lamp was made after the fact, but is accurate to how it really looked during the outage. Since I have the recording of the outage, I can play it back through a big amplifier, calibrate it to ~120V, and connect a light bulb in place of the speakers :)
Note I put a high-pass filter on the audio in the video clip, just to make it a little more user-friendly. I have the full thing in 22k 16bit wav though...
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