Every safety regulation is written in blood. As in, we get regulations only after terrible things have happened, to prevent them from happening again. Now the Trump Administration is firing the people whose job it was to stop the bleeding.
Linguistically, “DEI” is now the new “critical race theory”: a scapegoat phrase used devoid of any of its actual meaning by people who never understood the original in the first place
Being nihilistic about the courts and legal institutions *helps* authoritarians. They want you to lose faith in the rule of law and stop holding power to account. As much as you can, don’t let them.
Big fan of Interior Chinatown on Hulu. If you like mindbending mystery shows, with comedy and heart, and meaningful themes around identity and what it means to play a part in society, you’ll like this. And it’s a 10-ep limited series. Perfect holiday binge!
God bless the people whose instinct is to run towards the fire to help. Meanwhile my instinct is to stay a good distance away and, like, raise awareness about the fire in a mildly entertaining and educational manner? We all have our roles in society.
I know we’re supposed to become more conservative as we age, but I’ve become quite radical. For example, I believe government should exist and should help people.
A book I found useful the last time we went through this national nightmare was Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny.” Short book with lessons on how to fight and survive an authoritarian state.
You know how you’re always a little aware of the inevitability of death and your own mortality but you can’t think about it every day or else you wouldn’t ever be able to live your life? That’s how I feel about this election
Don’t forget that abortion isn’t just healthcare. The right to decide what you do with your own body is a core privacy right as well. Supporting the right to abortion also supports the right to privacy for all.
Sometimes it helps to remember that you're basically a very old baby. Are you cranky? Have a snack. Are you sad? Take a nap. Do you feel frustrated for no reason, like the whole world is against you, but you don't know why? Maybe you need to go play outside!
Wordpress has joined the Fediverse! Really exciting.
“The revolutionary ActivityPub feature is now available across all WordPress.com plans, unlocking a world of engagement and interaction for your blog. Your blogs can now be part of the rapidly expanding fediverse, which enables you to connect with a broader audience and attract more followers.”
Tech law scholar. Law professor at University of New Hampshire School of Law. Yale Information Society Project fellow. MSNBC tech/privacy columnist. #privacy #AI #internet #techlaw #cyber ? Site: https://www.tiffanyli.com ? Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffanycli ? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffany.c.li/