@Foxboron@zacchiro@Zimm_i48 On the question of the different ecosystems ingested by nixpkgs, we discuss in our RQ2 the disparities in reproducibility rates in function of ecosystem of provenance: we indeed remark that some large ecosystems (like Python for example) have excellent reproducibility rate and contribute positively in the overall nixpkgs reproducibility rate. On the other hand Haskell for example is also one of the largest ecosystem in nixpkgs and has 1/2
@Foxboron@zacchiro@Zimm_i48 very poor reproducibility rate (around 60%). Haskell even accounts for about 41% of all non-reproducible packages that we identified ! (About 47k non reproducible Haskell packages)
📢 I am very proud to announce the publication of my #research#paper "Does Functional Package Management Enable Reproducible Builds at Scale? Yes." at MSR'25, written with @zacchiro and @Zimm_i48 !
First of all, I am a 27 years old software engineering and security researcher at Institut Polytechnique de Paris. My academical interests are diverse and include logic, computer security, networking, functional programming and type theory, and much more.