@sickburnbro I can’t find any articles resembling that specific kind of factory fire, and I doubt it even happened. The closest I’ve found so far is fire in a metal plant (2023), and the most recent seems to be a packaging factory (3~ days ago)
If @PraxisOfEvil ‘s guess about it being aerospace and @wingedhussar about the safety systems then maybe it could have been a magnesium alloy fire caused by CNC chips/powder. According to a random wikipedia source: “It is true that magnesium alloys are highly combustible when in a finely divided form, such as powder or fine chips, and this hazard should never be ignored. Above 800 °F (427 °C), a non-combustible, oxygen-free atmosphere is required to suppress burning” (Although there’ll probably have to be another fuck up for a serious fire to occur.)
Following that thought, there was a fire at a (historic) Wright brothers facotry, but I doubt a historical site that has “has hosted ‘hundreds, if not thousands,’ of people for hard-hat tours” would have such machinery.
Boomer fantasy.