Usenet is an ever-living, Casper the friendly ghost of discussion networks.
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Back in its glory days it seems that just about every academic institution had its own Usenet hierarchy of newsgroups.
Linux was revealed to the world via Usenet.
Open source philosophy gained its steam via Usenet.
(Boost, Copypasta to other networks, text your mom ... this is great news!)
Trump is talking very seriously about eliminating the income tax for U.S. Citizens. This is the first time a President has had the stones to seriously approach this issue. The income tax is the bread and butter of the military-industrial complex, which enriches itself on our backs. There is no time better than now to abolish the Federal Income Tax.
I don't believe the anti-tariff fear-mongerings. America funded its operations on tariffs for several generations, with no federal income tax at all. Plus the income tax is a war tax. It was implemented specifically, and I do mean SPECIFICALLY, for funding the war machine. Gutting the income tax guts the war machine.
There will be a lot of resistance from the Federal Reserve and the war machine military industrial complex. They depend on the income tax to foment wars and socially engineer our lives and their total information awareness panopticon.
The American people are taxed and that money is used to enrich the rich and the rest of the world through subsidies, bribes, grants, etc. Instead America should tax the rest of the world and enrich the American people. Abolishing the progressive personal income tax on wages is the first step in the right direction.
Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or whatever, now is the time to write to your representatives and demand that they support the abolition of the income tax. Fifty million letters should fill up Congressional mailboxes with ABOLISH THE INCOME TAX ON WAGES NOW! ABOLISH, NOT REDUCE! ABOLISH, NOT CUT! ABOLISH! emblazoned on the envelopes.
This is serious. It doesn't matter if your party lost or won the election. What matters is that we get this tax gorilla off the backs of all Americans. We have a President seriously talking about it repeatedly. Trump kept his promises to pardon Ross Ulbricht and other persons given draconian punishments by the courts. He has kept several other political promises. He promised to stump before Congress for the abolition of the income tax. Don't let the momentum die on this proposition. Don't let him wane on his commitment to abolition of the income tax. Get behind it and push!
Abolishing the income tax will do more good for American workers than all the political promises of the last twelve Presidential elections. This is an opportunity for real change for the average American.
Ah, good question. How can you trust that my public key is really my public key?
You can't. Or you can. It is up to you. Let me explain.
Because my web server is secured with a HTTPS connection with HSTS and you can view the LetsEncrypt SSL cert that secures the data request. Or does it?
However, my web server is more trustworthy than PGP keyservers. Or is it?
How do you prove that the PGP key server didn't replace my uploaded key with one of their own? Where did you get the key fingerprint? How can you know that connection was secure and not MITM'd?
You can't. Unless you have met me face-to-face and gotten the key from my own hand in meatspace, there is always the possibility, however slight or great, that someone in the chain of trust can impersonate me and give you their fake key instead of mine.
That's what I mean about cryptography and security theater. It sounds cool to get PGP keys from a keyserver, but any key server can poison the keys with their own fakes. And any CA can poison SSL certs under a secret order from the government, or upon the directive of a corrupt person working in their company.
Ring of trust is supposedly there to avoid that problem with PGP. Good luck trying to get any industry hacks to sign your PGP key into their ring of trust.
See what I mean?
I suppose that LetsEncrypt or any CA could also poison a connection with a malicious SSL cert for a MITM. How would anyone know?
See what I mean?
At some point, you have to trust someone, and you have to take someone else's word to trust the next person in the chain.
And this is why you should never rely upon public key cryptography to secure information that could get you hurt, imprisoned, or killed. Anyone who says otherwise is selling you rope and a tree. Under no circumstances should you ever communicate death-defying information over a public network using public key cryptography. Just don't ever do that, not ever.
The only verifiable cryptographic security is when you own the keys, and you exchange them in meat space with the other party, encrypted with very strong passphrases, with many gigabytes of OTP key material. Any other method requires you to trust someone or trust that a trapdoor function doesn't have a secret weakness.
This requirement to trust someone to vouch for identity is why it is called a certificate AUTHORITY or ring of trust. You have to accept some authority to vouch for the authenticity of the key and the identity of its holder. But you can't prove it unless you are face-to-face with that person.
In the old days, it was common to have PGP key signing parties, where people met in person in groups to verify each others' identities then sign each others' keys.
I'm not a high value target. It is highly unlikely that anyone running a hockeypuck server or SSL CA would serve a fake key on my account. Hacking me would net zero dollars return, so I don't worry about it. If I had high value information to communicate it would be either in person or through a courier using one-time pad keys. I wouldn't touch PGP or any Internet cryptosystem for something like that.
Yeah, I think Mastodon is overkill for low count user bases. Pleroma is better, Friendica is even better yet, and snac is just right for me. Gotosocial and Tahake are probably decent, too, although I have not tested them since I like what I have and if it ain't broke I don't want to fix it.
Has anyone heard any word on the promised liberation of Silk Road opearator, Ross Ulbricht, also known as Dread Pirate Roberts?
"If you vote for me, on day one, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht ..."
According to this reported promise, Trump technically needs to pardon Ross or commute his sentence before midnight in the time zone where Ross is imprisoned.
I can't find any news on a commutation or pardon for Ross. Was the promise false news? Or has it already happened?
Journalists, have any of you contacted the White House or BOP about this matter?
Name: Byrl Raze Buckbriar (call me Raze).About: Underage curmudgeon and expert in Murphy's Law. I grew grouchy before over the hill was a thing. Neither 'glass half empty' nor 'glass half full.' I want the whole tankard. Speak not with words. Speak with work product. I enjoy crypto, ciphers, puzzles, riddles, and wordplay.Site: Cryptography project site. ( Find me on #Usenet in #Newsgroup alt.rhubarb.Git: #crypto #cryptography #cryptology #ciphers #conlang #retro #bash #pascal #random #usenet #simplicity #encryption #privacy #linux #bsd #hacking #poetry #math #writing #research #tinker