@prettygood yeah, that def sounds like a good way to maintain homeostasis. I mean, sooner or later, we all succumb to something, but if we can take care of ourselves, it helps us, but also those around us, in that, they don't have to spend their days worrying about us, and can go on about their lives
@prettygood I'm a hikikomori, so I defo understand the appeal, but I also try to spend more time exercising/meditating, reading, etc., so I can be my healthiest self, because at the end of the day, for someone with as many health concerns as myself, nothing would mean more than aging gracefully
@prettygood yeah, my laptop died on me when I quit my job and didn't want spend money on another one at that time. the first few months felt difficult, but now I'm used to this life. I miss gaming, but as I'm getting older, I'm thinking it's probably better for my carpal tunnel and whatnot
@prettygood FluffyChat was not for me. I like Schildi's offerings and UI a lot more. Only been using a phone and tablet now for several years, so I don't look into desktop options.
@prettygood I'm trying out SchildiNext right now, but I still have to use SchildiChat to create rooms inside my space. Matrix still feels confusing to me after all this time.
@prettygood I didn't mean give up on breathing. just giving up on the rest of what the world thinks you should want for yourself. it's okay to give up and just... be.