@puniko@mk.absturztau.be@ReignOfRaining@transfem.socialfoundkey focused on making it stable small changes with a bunch of patches and calckey added a bunch of featuresas far as I remember it was mostly that with foundkey I focused more on the backend and the changes weren't as easy to spot to the end user. There were some frontend changes and contributions that were lots of finishing refactoring that misskey had already started or other cleanup stuff.
i cannot accurately portray what calckey was doing either, but from what i heard they did more frontend stuff which was more end user visible, but also copying changes from foundkey. i think they also rewrote a tiny bit of it in rust (as a joke?) and made a masto-api compatibility thing.
to be a bit more specific about the thing puni didn't want to get into was several episodes of drama between calckey/firefish and foundkey. in my experience, calckey had more public relations stuff going on, while foundkey was just doing coding.
so yeah, take everything i say about calckey with several grains of salt, don't want to cause drama again.
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be its a bit funny but also sad to come across that function again now in the iceshrimp security issue when i removed it from foundkey 2 years ago
Notarzt-Auto von hinten, jemand steht so davor, dass man nur "NOTAR" siehtuff, wenn man noch schnell das Testament schreiben muss dann kommt der notar auch mit blaulicht
Geschlechtsneutrale Namen, die hauptsächlich Jungen tragenUnisex-Namen, die hauptsächlichen Mädchen tragen:neofox_googly_shocked: nein leute so funktioniert das nicht...
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be Inverkehrbringung als "Market entry"? Oder so. Gibt's bestimmt ne EU Verordnung wo man die deutsche und englische Übersetzung abgleichen könnte, wenn du's genau wissen willst.
⁂ :ipv6: :open_access: ☮If I annoy you or am doing too much hair-splitting, please tell me and I'll try not to. All opinions are my own.I support trans rights. ?️⚧️:antifa:If I reacted to my own posts (especially if its ?) that is probably to keep them from getting deleted by forget.codl.fr.I don't normally follow back and accepting follow requests is on a mood basis mostly, unless I know you. People I haven't interacted with are more likely to be turned down.