@SuperDicq@minidisc.tokyoRemember that FOSDEM is not a free software convention, it has "open source" in the name. The organizers do not care about software freedom. It has always been like this.I guess the F in FOSDEM stands for nothing then and this section from "What is FOSDEM?" on their webpage is wrong about itself- to promote the development and benefits of free software and open source solutions.I think the companies you named have developers working on free and/or open source software. Some more, some less. So it makes sense for them to be there, eh?
I don't know how Jack Dorsey fits into this picture, and tbh I'm probably not going to discuss my personal opinion, at least not now and here.
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be dass es "zum großteil" diesel ist würde ich jedenfalls nicht zustimmen. kannst ja bei openrailwaymap.org gucken und auf "electrification" umstellen.
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be in deutschland kannst du dich entscheiden ob du nach BOStrab (Straßenbahn) oder EBO (Eisenbahn) fährst, ist doch ganz einfach :neofox_googly_blep:
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be außerdem, moment mal :neofox_think_googly: gibts in der schweiz überhaupt ne straßenbahn, ich dachte bei euch ist das das tram
⁂ :ipv6: :open_access: ☮If I annoy you or am doing too much hair-splitting, please tell me and I'll try not to. All opinions are my own.I support trans rights. ?️⚧️:antifa:If I reacted to my own posts (especially if its ?) that is probably to keep them from getting deleted by forget.codl.fr.I don't normally follow back and accepting follow requests is on a mood basis mostly, unless I know you. People I haven't interacted with are more likely to be turned down.