@LukeAlmighty I lost the video explaining this, but basically they're wired with all important cablework being outside of a logical and designated place
@beardalaxy based, although also a bit lewd for the 8 graders? maybe you got the more clean version in translation the songs practically ends on the fun part, though, and there's also the rest of the poem :deadInside:
why the fuck did I read "Korobeiniki" fully, I'd rather forever know it as "that upbeat folk tetris song", why the fuck did I expect anything in a piece of Russian literature other than depression :deadInside:
@LukeAlmighty well, I'd be a boring nerd and say that voice is called a screenwriter; but a cool headcanon is a cool headcanon, I accept it (never thought about him being force-sensitive in this way)
some zoomer just had the fucking AUDACITY to "correct" ME about Shadow the Hedgehog lore by going "acktyally, he wasn't raised in a lab on a space colony 🤓☝️" (the discussion was very explicitly about games)
they are also acting SO smug about it by going "ugh, who cares about the original games", like a product they enjoy isn't just a poorly digested version of the art that I enjoyed
"who cares about the original-" well a fuckton of people obviously did, if some executive thought that it would be a good idea to make a movie based on the original! speaking of "nobody cares" and "the superior live action version sells better", how's the Witcher live action going? how's the Star Wars franchise going? Avatar? Capeshit? a fuckton of other slop?
@LukeAlmighty you could count Sonic Adventure 2 as my special interest, something I love dearly, and have many fond memories of, and enjoy even 20 years later, and can hold long speeches of pure condensed autism about it
and they didn't even name it in the credits
neither did they name authors of some musical tracks which were in the game originally
@LukeAlmighty I dunno, really, should I even write an autistic gigapost or should I even bother, because the movie commits the same sin of all modern mainstream media: it is afraid to be sincere and is hiding behind ill-placed "haha funni" tiktok shorts
and if it isn't sincere, why should I be, even if only to screech
they missed the tiny itty bitty key plot detail, that Maria was supposed to be a sick child, isolated in a sterile environment, in fucking space, never able to touch grass in the most literal sense, never to feel wind on her skin, with no known friends other than a single kid whom she treated like a little brother, and no way to step foot on a planet which will literally kill her... and she loves it nonetheless when she's running from GUN, she knows that she's doomed either way, and yet, even after being dealt a very bad hand from birth, even after being quite literally shot, she isn't bitter or resentful she just asks Shadow to take care of the little blue ball of death she loves so much
im the movie she's just a regular happy-go-lucky healthy kid on fucking roller skates, I have no idea why she even got attached to the edgelord
before watching this, for years I have heard literally nothing good about this, everyone were saying that one should just go straight to Unlimited and skip the OG League entirely
but this is a really solid cartoon! I liked it a lot, pretty much the only downsides were that episode where JL were killing Nazis and everything about Green Lantern and his writers' main pet peeve being desperately trying to prove that he is the worthy manly man even without the ring, but this just resulted in his emerald impotence and looking like an idiot who failed in his primary mission and literally broke an indestructible ring :meru_lul: