I am so exhausted. it is *never* about my skills, it is *always* about my private life. bitches have nothing on my skills cause they have no idea what they do let alone what I do
@bmacDonald94 are you kidding me?! I mean, on a deeper level I am not surprised, this explains a lot, and I guess some of the 54% made it to the Congress that way... but also shows another clear picture of disparity with unis you have to pay big money for like MIT and similar which are the best in the world and the daily reality of going to school where teachers are forced to pay for supplies and also organise drills in case a school shooter appears.
@bmacDonald94 I guess education is for the privileged there, just like healthcare, travelling abroad and interacting with people who aren't like themselves, which explains *a lot*, and the middle classes keep on getting smaller and techbros keep on inventing tech that forces people not to use their braincells so we will see that 54% getting smaller which is even more depressing or dare I say scary
Jfc Americans man 💀 “I’ve never heard of a country called Signapure” or “if I connect earphones to my phone can TikTok hear what’s going on in my brain” bruh, smooth brain, very smooth American brain
bro I'm on the phone to my sister and mum and they're watching this Polish reality TV show which is called, "The Farmer Looking for a Wife" which tells you all about Poland vs the West,
this shit's hilarious when you desperately escaped a seriously deprived rural area with no jobs wanting *more for yourself cause everyone's been telling you that you were so smart!* but your dating habits are very much NOT The Big City
bruh now she's telling me about this friend of hers that I kind of know whose husband took her money (!!!) and she's staying with him because three children. like do you understand why I genuinely invested in myself, my own money and my own wellbeing like smh girl leave, divorces exist, LEAVE
New and improved but same as before :bongoCat:Content creator for my coworkersHot girl coach Talks about #film all the time. #Music, questionable #F1 takes, #indiefilm, #photography, #filmmaking and 35mm rep shows | Filmmaker: 2 shorts, more to come. Opinions mine.