The Coming War on #Dissent. “…In November of last year, the House of Representatives pushed through #HR9495…to give the incoming Trump administration the power to declare any nonprofit group a “terrorist-supporting organization” & revoke its tax-exempt status. The designation would…impact on groups…that use financial resources to bail protesters… & help…with legal fees… [&] could also be weaponized against…any nonprofit that interacts with public protests.” | New Republic
The real #LizCheney scandal. ‘Last week, the NYT recounted an alarming fact in a shockingly blasé fashion. …[They] wrote, “…Trump has made it known that people he believes to be his enemies should be prosecuted.” …Jailing #dissenters is not a policy position. It’s a hallmark of an #authoritarian regime. None of these headlines communicate the important fact that Cheney didn’t commit an actual crime and this is all a meritless, vindictive investigation.’ | Stephen Robinson
Faith leaders express dismay amid report Trump will allow immigration raids at churches. “Faith leaders are reacting with concern to a report that President-elect Donald Trump plans to rescind a long-standing policy that discourages immigration officials from conducting raids at churches, schools and hospitals. … The policy discourages government agents from making arrests at or near “sensitive locations,” such as houses of worship.“ | RNS
The #WashingtonPost & #LATimes refused to endorse a candidate. Why? “…this may look like…nonpartisan neutrality… but it’s far from that. …it’s a…smackdown of…staffs who have… expos[ed] Trump’s dangers... It’s also a strong statement of preference. The papers’ leaders have made it clear that they either want Trump (who is…a boon to large personal fortunes) or that they don’t wish to risk the ex-president’s wrath & retribution if he wins.” | Margaret Sullivan, Guardian
“… #FactChecking doesn’t work with…#Trump… he has trained his followers to so distrust the press that even if Daniel Dale lays out 33 lies in one debate, Trump’s followers will…write that off to press bias... every time you try to fact check Trump, you…simply reinforce the belief of Trump’s supporters that the other half of society simply hates Trump’s truth. And so…fact checking…reinforces the loyalty of Trump’s rubes, rather than leads them to doubt him.” | @emptywheel
Focus on the USA with emphasis on human rights and conflict. Please send a direct message for information about the curator of this account, who watches the US from another country. Messages deleted from time to time.