@JohannaMakesGames@jupiter@johl die CDU hat eine “kleine” Anfrage mit 551 Fragen zur politischen Gesinnung von Omas Gegen Rechst und anderen Gruppierungen gestellt. Solche Anfragen sind rechtswidrige, das wissen die auch. Aber die wollten einfach mal einschüchtern mit AfD Methoden.
Look at who got 2nd place in Germany. I know that the situation in the east is more dangerous for people on the ground there...but this is a nation wide problem.
Evey person who can lift 10 kilos: If you see one of those e-scooters parked in a way that people with wheelchairs or buggy’s can’t use the path or it would make blind people trip, remove that obstacle. Be the positive change. Send from someone who cleared 4 of those scooters from paths this morning 🫠.
This is basically a flatshare fridge, but as a city wide experiment 😢. I mean I like the concept of having them, but not like this.
You know why we Germans are so pedantic about data protection? Someone around 90 years ago went through all records available, selected people with certain criteria, with the help of IBM, and then killed them all.
We don't want to be on any list.
And now the US Gov and Musk are trying to get access to all data they have about every person and put them into a big fat DB and run AI over it.
Oh noes, starting next year, all B2B invoices in Germany need to have an EN 16931 XML-based invoice file (with some minor exceptions, I know). Sadly, my beloved https://getharvest.com will not support it. That app did exactly what I needed, and nothing more, until now.
I just need a simple time tracking and invoicing thing. And I would rather not host it myself.
I want to mount an iPhone to my bike, but need these criteria matched:
* Easy to use with my case or easy to swap for the biking case * Stable and trustworthy grip on the device * Some form of anti vibration because some iPhone lenses hate that vibration 😅.
“You should not use your phone”. I totally understand this rule. I like this rule. But why do you add wireless charger into armrests?! Do you know what happens if a phone shows a notification? It lights up. If you sit next to me with a phone ON that charger, we are no longer friends 😳
Does #StackOverflow understand the GDPR? I will try out to delete my stuff and see if they will allow it or not. Because if not, they are in violation of my european rights to my data.
Elixir/Ruby/React(+Native) Freelancer. Creator of the 🦥-Emoji. Organizing https://papiberlin.de . Dyslexic. Coda. Living in Berlin, Germany. #freelancing #parenting #fatherhood #fullstack #elixir