But how can nondrivers access rural communities?” I get this question a lot. One idea? Off road multiuse trails that parallel rural highways. I saw a bunch of bike commuters (& a trike!) on the Latah Trail this morning between Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA. Without this trail? No access.
“There can’t actually be that many nondrivers.” Some iteration of that comment is the first question I get when I talk about building a nondriver coalition, even among audiences that are just as eager as I am to see changes in our communities that would reduce car dependency…It’s made me really curious where this resistance to seeing nondrivers comes from, so I wrote this piece to discuss some possible explanations 👇 https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/09/29/op-ed-recognizing-nondrivers-can-spur-a-revolution/
Tomorrow night I have my first Seattle book event and it’s going to be in conversation with Barb Chamberlain & Tanisha Selpulveda. You can also join the livestream from anywhere! 730pm Pacific. https://townhallseattle.org/event/anna-zivarts/
Author, When Driving Isn't An Option: Steering Away from Car Dependency (Island Press, 2024). Disabled mom with #nystagmus. Launched #WeekWithoutDriving. annazivarts.com