On the edge of thinking that #includes in C/C++, usings in C#, imports in Java and similar things in other languages should not compile if they are not ordered alphabetically. Standard library may stuff may be at the top, directories in #includes is another matter, but dammit, is it that damn hard to order things?
@aral maybe next time count to 10 between stopping to type and hitting the toot button? Cause with this one you begin to sound as hypocritic as those you so love to blame of being such. Sorry.
@aral not really, consider that kids don't usually have bank accounts and are fine with using cash. Why can't adult live that way? Just that in case of banks even in small countries you have a choice of more than two, while with mobiles there are more than two options, but the two dominate so much, that no one cares about the others.
@sil@mjg59 looks like a clarification is required for the word "exactly" in the original toot. IMO, programming language is a way to write what you want a program to do. Natural language can be used for that too. If you start writing your abstract wishes and still get what you want, you have a model filling the gaps. Is it even possible without a per-person model that knows you very well?