What can I say? I'm catching 'em in snoozy and pinup-like positions.
If I went into the bedroom, I'd find Pussy, but she tends to curl into a kittyball.
Harley is chasing a big ol' fly. (No :fly: emoji? Fail!) I can hear it bonking against the glass trying to get out, and Harley leaps at it! The fly, and Harley, move down the hall, towards the bathroom.
๐ We've trained for this! We still play #KittyFetch with my pill blisters almost every day, and she often snags them midair.
While looking through the storage buckets for some tape, I came across the bag of Cannabis seeds my neighbor gave me, and it reminded me that in just a few months I'll be LARPing Johnny Appleseed (but with Cannabis) throughout the vineyards. (Cannabis and Grapes have very similar requirements.)
๐ This will not be a serious cropping attempt. My hope is that a few survive, and start the next cycle, and hopefully "wild weed" will become a thing in the Rhineland.
It's early, and I expect these will expire of exposure soon after transplant. It's more for getting a feel for the time scale involved when I start production lining it.
I don't know the genetics, subspecies, etc. #BirdSeedWeed?
I have some spots in mind for transplant if/when. They have to be relatively easy for me to clomp to. ๐ I can't very well plant 'em in between the vinerows.
I set them under a small LED gro-light, which I neglected to do earlier.
3 are up, and I can see the stem coming out in 2 more.
The 4 peat pots in front are apple seeds. We have a big ol' pot that would support a tree or two. I intend to "bonsai"/torture one or two tree-lets into interesting shapes.
I'm also changing the thread privacy level to unlisted, so casual users and timelines don't get weed growing thrown in their faces.
๐ Even though the ๐boi/USAID/Starlink/Ukraine meme is solid gold, and I wanna boost it every time it crosses my timeline, I won't.
Y'all know why.
๐ Threw it a like, tho, cuz it *IS* good stuff, Maynard!
Besides, it's going like gangbusters (already in triple digits), so "everyone" is gonna see it anyway, and I don't have to be the asshole bitching about AltText.
Eating just one billionaire would do more to prevent climate change than going vegan or never driving a car for the rest of your life. #SanctionBillionaires#EatTheRich#Luigi
Blippy, a suspiciously majestic Sea Slug of some sort, was found in a Nuclear/Biological waste disposal facility near Oldenburg, Germany sometime in 1959.โ ๏ธ ๐ Potty mouth. ๐ โ ๏ธDeutscher, aber sprecht kaum Deutsch.--#Bassist #EveryDayIsCaturday #Audrey #PoultryCoroner #RandomShoes #BongSignal #GangsOfNovember #TheArtOfShitpostingCats: #YoshiOneEye #EmmaPeel #PussyGalore #HarleyQuinn#NotOurCat: #Humba #Zardoz #Franz8NOV22