@susie@blob.cat@mriesp@akko.wtf I was shocked how light it was when I first got it! It was no struggle to carry around and just set down to read regardless of bed or kitchen or bathroom. I even brought it with me to the diner I had breakfast at and took my sweet time reading it there :elainachuckle:
As much as I love physical print books, the convenience of what the Libra 2 offered really was too good. I even got KOReader and Plato installed at the recommendation of a friend and it's been neat tinkering with them. Being able to borrow e-books through my public library onto it has also been great :elainasmile:
Oh yeah, how do you get into sideload mode? I heard about it before!
@mriesp@akko.wtf for whatever reason, I could never really get into the idea of reading e-books at my PC or my laptop, and my phone and its display kind of suck, so I went for the next best thing :elainawonders:
I already had a pretty decent collection in Calibre and now I have a proper place for all of it to call home :elainasmile:
I'm Seri! I've been on fedi for about... uh, 4-5 years now? I got started on niu.moe and have been bouncing homes ever since, but here on the instance with the funny German words is my current home! I was previously on @edaroya@snug.moe !
Sometimes I really don't know what to talk about or get super busy and that'll lead to me going dark for a while. If I disappear for weeks at a time, that's normal! (Though I'm working on it being less normal.)
I love JRPGs, fighting games, (certain) gacha games and visual novels. Regarding JRPGs, the Trails/Kiseki series being my absolute favorite, I'd love to meet other fans. I'm also getting into Atelier!
My dream is to become a VN writer and I've been chipping away at my setting and my first project, slowly but surely. I'd love to meet other writers too!
When I'm around, I'll be posting about my daily life, moments in games and stories (read: yuri manga) I want to capture, and funny things I find/think up. Once I have a bit more to show, I'd be happy to start sharing stuff about my VN dev ventures.
Just a passing-through witch 💙Formerly a Niu!Aspiring VN writer! Maid lover! Witch lover! Knight lover! Princess lover! Career yumejoshi!Burnt cinnamon roll, please handle with care. 💙 :msdemisexualflag:":blobcat3c: na, me think you have graduated from cuteposting student to professionally cuteposting" - @puniko@mk.absturztau.be ":elaina_cute: vib and seri cute too (with and without witch hats)" - @puniko@mk.absturztau.be alt: @edaroya@mk.absturztau.be#nobot