The problem with Captain America brave new world is that the character isn't a super soldier.
He's just a regular guy kicking too much ass single handidly. The shield isn't Captain America. The super soldier is.
The problem with Captain America brave new world is that the character isn't a super soldier.
He's just a regular guy kicking too much ass single handidly. The shield isn't Captain America. The super soldier is.
Look. The Mexicans have the Aztec sun god on their flag. They are Aztecs. They are savages.
I expect nothing less from them.
@realcaseyrollins they didn't declare war. They are mobilizing. It's weird that Russia spooked them now after all these years
Germany is starting conscription.
Are you telling me that the deep state/USA actually started WW3 so their patrons can make war business and they could stay relevant?
What assholes.
It's probably better that Trump & Elon stay out of Fort Knox. Unless they send in a crew before hand to make sure that lots of gold is there.
Finally Apple coming out with a cheaper phone.
I won't buy, of course, because I need android side loading to be able to install my good YT ad blocking app.
@Peaceandprosperity @fuat2mb @ILoveAmericaNews my property tax issue is the cost of the schools. Police and fire is background noise to the massive cost of the public schools in Ohio that are funded by property tax.
@ILoveAmericaNews they have their own retirement program. as well as medical program. They don't have what us plebs have.
@ILoveAmericaNews @truthbait @Klang @Dan_Ramos he was an addict?!
yes - the AI owners are cutting out the artists because it's 'easy'. SCRUB MY TOILET AI-ROBOT!
Why did this happen?!
All puffed up for extra warmth.
The younger than GenX generations complain that housing is unaffordable for them. It ALWAYS was. I still think I overpaid for my house 21 years ago. If you want a house, you just gotta save up, jump in, and do it and be scared the whole time. There is a double digit probability that you'll get semi-used to being scared. But they also need to not discount their ability to adapt and find a way through.
@Humpleupagus he told me I was gonna die when I didn't get vaxxed. What really happened was I had the shits for two days, lost my smell and taste, the shits went away, and the smell and taste came back. It didn't kill me.
Now if he predicted the shits and the loss of smell I would've been impressed.
@Humpleupagus He flies the Israel flag routinely. It actually bumped the Ukraine flag last October.
He LOVES flying Old Glory half mast. Constantly.
Dispatch from Libtardville:
Our Dem mayor sent out a screed about the election. Something about his world is about tolerance equity and....oh yeah.... Murdering babies.
Blah blah .."slavery was a law too, but it wasn't right".
Hey Mayor Jewtard: "Baby Murder is a law too, but it isn't right"
These people so DEEPLY believe their assumptions, without challenging them with their SCIENCE, btw, that they think they are correct and superior. When in fact they are narcissistic dolts.
(And gay).
@zephyrotv what kind of technology could they possibly be using?!
Old black dude is coked up and has alcohol in his system. Hits a utility pole and knocks it over. Goes into the 4FW hall causes a ruckus and gets told he's trespassing. He doesn't leave. White Cops show up and he resists arrest. They put a knee on back cuffing him. He says he can't breathe and then has a massive heart attack.
Coroner finds the cocaine and alcohol in the system but declares it a homicide. Now the cops are facing felony charges.
Canton, OH.
This country sucks.
@PNS mental.
@ZeroSum06 note - some *have* crashed their way off of it.
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