Would it be just like NoAuthority.social ?
If so, that would be cool AF.
Notices by Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social), page 22
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 21:29:00 JST Wyliesau -
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 20:51:49 JST Wyliesau NASA
Yeah no !
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 20:27:22 JST Wyliesau @KennyWhitePowers @diurnalfreak666 @Humpleupagus @d0c40r0
I would be scared for my balls if i would live in Australia
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 20:23:10 JST Wyliesau Definitely to the gardening section with the humongous woodchippers.
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 20:21:03 JST Wyliesau Gonna try this for breakfast.
Instead of bacon and eggs
Nuts and eggs.New day new fun
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 20:21:01 JST Wyliesau Doc who?
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 20:20:58 JST Wyliesau Herro ? I‘m swiss and we do not know every single Australian.
You’re funny 😎🤣
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2024 13:25:29 JST Wyliesau 🤔
Let that sink in for a moment ! -
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2024 20:25:58 JST Wyliesau 🚨😎
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2024 09:11:17 JST Wyliesau „🤔 Nihilists….. fuck me..“
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Monday, 15-Jan-2024 21:20:17 JST Wyliesau Nope, they said „go away“, gave us a last goodbye and took the key to the castle back.
Maybe they will find an Angel investor from a Texan mega church but the majority of gitmo slaves won’t chip in anymore.
Yesterday had not a single executive producer and they did wonder why.Hmmm let’s fucking guess why? 🤔
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Monday, 15-Jan-2024 21:20:15 JST Wyliesau Just go to 29:04 for about 5 min
The rest was pretty boring besides the donation segment with NO executive Producer. 🥹 -
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Monday, 15-Jan-2024 21:20:08 JST Wyliesau Nope, no context whatsoever.
5min and a kick in the ass, that’s all we get for 16 years 4060 hours of NA and 7 years of NAS.
That’s it, ship has sailed.(Insert sad puppy face)
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Wyliesau (wyliesau@noauthority.social)'s status on Monday, 15-Jan-2024 20:58:16 JST Wyliesau If you were busy, in the shower or on a tree cutting branches and you couldn’t listen to the Sunday extravaganza NoAgenda show, here‘s what the PotFather said yesterday
Adam and the NAS „problem“
MemememeTime stamp 29:04