"extended solitude was always a fickle thing. At first it soothed, swaddling me from the chaos and expectations of being human. Then in an instant it shifted from rejuvenation to numbing isolation." #florilegia from the collected regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer.
"most of us are guilty of that with our loved ones : we get stuck in a routine and we look at them like we've always looked at them, without seeing the person they've become, or the person they strive to be." #florilegia from the collected regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer.
When I read, I have adopted a practice called "florilegia". It loosely translates to flower picking and it's a practice (traditionally a religious one) of copying down favorite quotes from a book that you can then revisit and enjoy, like a bouquet of flowers that you've picked from a garden. So it's not like an excerpt, really more of a collection of words that spoke to you. They can be funny or intriguing or anything else. I thought I'd explain this so I can share some of my #florilegia here.
#fedigive Durch seltsame Umstände habe ich zwei Karten für the love boat, eine #queer - lesbische Party auf einem Boot in #Hamburg am Freitag. Will die jemand haben? Ankündigung hab ich nur auf insta gefunden: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5f8fmOsFYs
Ich finde diese unnatürlichen Situationen ja sehr anstrengend und habe immer das Gefühl, ich verstehe nicht schnell genug, was mit den Fragen *eigentlich* gemeint ist. Aber fragen, wie die Frage gemeint ist, darf man auch eher nicht. Wie geht ihr damit um? Habt ihr Tipps, wie man so ein Gespräch möglichst gut durchsteht und am Ende vielleicht auch noch einen guten Eindruck machen kann?
white, autistic, genderqueer, used to sparkle more, but burnt out in the last years. I toot mostly follower only because other people scare me and communication rarely works. You can find my old toots over at https://octodon.social/@communeva