@clacke thanks! I'm not sure there's written material on it, but the intention of MIMI is to learn from prior attempts at an interoperable protocol to build something which actually works. XMPP has largely not been adopted in this sphere, though is popular in its own right. Matrix has additional features that don't translate well to other providers as well (we'll talk about this in the talk).
It definitely feels a bit like XKCD 927, but this time we're going to interoperate with all of them :)
I'm very excited to be presenting at FOSDEM in February! I've been working on messaging interoperability for about 2 years now with much of that focus being on developing an open standard for that exact purpose. We'll be exploring how #Matrix works as an existing decentralized open standard for *interoperable* communications, and how other protocol development work interacts with Matrix.
Senior software developer & tech lead working on improving the matrix.org ecosystem | @matrixI try to spread my posts evenly across #matrix and my hobby of building (video) racks I don't need. oh, also I run t2bot.io - you should check it out if you need a free Discord/Telegram bridge to Matrix :)