@CloudyMrs absolutely. Sunakered or Kid Starver is hardly a grand choice here.
By no means do I contend the USA is *the* model for a society, but it’s model has spread to become a dominant ‘civilisation’ within which values, rules, beliefs & norms are largely shared. And it uses hard/soft power to convert others.
The current geopolitical struggle is IMO about ‘dominance’, or at least shaking out a new world order. Let’s hope it isn’t a violent process.
Weird old guy leaders like #Trump and #Biden are what happens when a #civilisation enters its end-phase. When it’s desperate to cling to what it had and is so unimaginative it can’t envision a new future. When vested interests anchor the status quo and new voices challenging it are seen as extremist. It’s all about protecting the status quo, and nothing embodies it better than old white guys preaching a new golden age just like the one they remember.
Track all 3 back and we get to consumerism; the creation and delivery of dreams and stuff.
Kill the false icon of #consumerism and the rest will follow.
This is why unimaginative comfortable consumerists recoil at the notion of ‘#degrowth’. They can’t think beyond stuff to a more equitable rebalancing of carbon spend.
A plan to stop the last few fragments of temperate rainforest disappearing completely. It’s very welcome progress for sure, but what a shame that such an important ecosystem has shrunk to those fragments in the first place.
One life. One planet. One humanity. People before profit. Love 🚲 🌱 🦋 🐝 🌳 🏕 🎺Always learning. Seeking informed discourse on climate & ecological crisis, adaptation and mitigation. Potty mouth when riled.Also @GreenerFutures.BSky.Social