@aral@scott@tommorris Probably took about 10 to 15 seconds, mainly because apt was being slow apt. Other distros are supported though, there's a comprehensive list on the nixos-infect page. Plus the fact that you can add a cloud init file to automate the nixos-infect procedure, is even nicer.
@scott@aral@tommorris I was gonna mention Hetzner actually. I used the nixos-infect method, just seemed easier than working out how to SSH into the iso. Added my public key to the root user, ran the script, and done.
@aral@tommorris security.acme.acceptTerms = true; security.acme.defaults.email = "email goes here"; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts = { "destructatron.net" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/" = { root = "/sites/main"; }; }; "code.destructatron.net" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/" = { root = "/sites/code"; }; }; }; }; You can do certs via certbot, but the module is experimental and acme is the recommended option. We have 2 virtual hosts defined here, my main site and the code subdomain. The location is set to /, so where browsers go for index.html. The root is the absolute path to where the site's files are. The braces define blocks. If we didn't have these, we'd be doing services.nginx.virtualHosts.domain.locations.root for example, which is kind of annoying to keep writing out.
@aral@tommorris I use Nix as a server, and deploying web servers is actually very easy and so is automatic SSL cert generation with lets encrypt. A few lines in configuration.nix, and it just, works. Virtual hosts, reverse proxies, PHP, and all that aren't too hard to configure. I can paste in the nginx block from my config if you'd like to take a look.
@aral@tommorris What stuff do you want setting up? I daily drive it and would be happy to help. I'm relatively new myself, but I know enough to do most things except building/creating packages, overlays, and flakes. Your average desktop or server config, no problem for me.
@Thatmermaid_J You were also able to throw these things called snowballs and make works of art called snowmen. They've since passed into legend as governments bury their collective heads in the sand year after year rather than do anything productive to stop climate change.
@fedora@aral Sounds good! While we're on the subject of accessibility, the initial setup after fedora workstation gets installed needs a look. The wi-fi networks list is totally unusable with Orca and actually stops me from going any further, which forces me to use the mate compiz iso, install it, install the workstation group, and then remove mate.
@aral I've been wanting to try it, but the lack of Orca in the installer is a big issue for me, either that or the installer won't let the key combination go through, it certainly doesn't let you use alt f2 to run a command. I would bootstrap it from a Fedora iso, but I can't find an up to date guide or anything on the official fedora docs telling you how this works.
18, blind and very technology oriented. I'm also into rock/metal, although not the more extreme ones such as thrash and death metal. I program a bit here and there as well and run Linux as my daily driver occasionally using virtual machines for the stuff Linux can't quite do yet or for applications that aren't available that don't have decent alternatives.