The fall of the brutal Syrian dictator Assad is of course very good news.
However, given the composition of the rebels, including jihadists and ISIS, there is a fear that the impending regime change will come especially at the expense of women, among others, because they had certain freedoms under the secular Assad regime that are not common in most Islamic countries.
Déjà vu! After the Islamic (counter) revolution in Iran, Sharia hell began for women!
Our ancestors, the Homo Sapiens, lived at least 300k years as gather/hunters in an egalitarian manner, i.e. equal rights for both gender, no economic or sexual exploitation and no WAR!
At least 8000 years of violent, exploitative patriarchy has left profound wounds not only in the psyche of men but also of women!
I do hope that humanity can recover from that patriarchal mutilation, but after the result of the vote November 2024 in the US, I am not convinced anymore.
Compared to the 2020 US election, this time (November 5, 2024) around 10 million eligible voters abstained from voting. There may be many reasons for abstention, but this decision can also be seen as a form of "protest" or mistrust.
If one accepts Senator Sanders' statement on the election outcome, then one can assume that many of the 10 million abstentions were to the detriment of the Democrats.
For me, as an outside observer it seems that in the USA "making money" is being worshipped as the main purpose of life and meanwhile considered as downright built into the DNA of its citizens, especially men.
If you fail or devote yourself to another purpose in life, you are poor in two ways: materially and status-wise.
This also fits with the US social and health care system, which is one of the worst among countries with a democratic constitution.
is a famous quote from B.Brecht's "The Threepenny Opera". J. Carville put it more bluntly: "It's the economy, stupid!"
When I am starving, then food is my priority and, if necessary, I give a shit on free speech or if Trump is an autocrat. Yes, I got it!
Inflation is an inherent feature of a free market capitalist economy. Business owners can determine prices for goods and services as they want. The government, through the Federal Reserve, has very limited, only indirect influence on consumer prices.
But Congress could increase the minimum wage, for example. Senator Sanders tried but could not find a majority.
The most effective way to handle inflation is to go on strike for higher wages and salaries. Boeing workers just finished successfully a strike for a 38% increase.
An inflation-protest vote for Trump is like trying to drive out the devil with Beelzebub!
Trump is part of corporate US and therefore inflation will rather increase than decrease.
On November 5, 2024, the "greatest country on earth" became the greatest tragedy: A majority of the US electorate voted for a presidential candidate who not only wants to destroy democracy, but who is exactly the wrong guy to address inflation!
The polls show a neck and neck race between Harris and Trump. Apparently, Trump has a lead on the specific issue of the "economy".
This makes no sense at all! If a US citizen is worried about inflation and consequently needs a higher wage or salary, he/she would vote for any candidate left of Trump! B. Sanders or E.Warren would be good but they are not on the ticket. Ok, then Harris, but never Trump!
I guess that behind many male (all races and religions) voter responses "economy" in fact are hiding the real reason "male hegemony".
Voting for Trump means prolonging male dominance even for the sacrifice of abolishing democracy.
The US November 2024 election represents a choice between:
Harris = female dominated leadership for the salvation of humanity, and
Trump= continuing on the patriarcal road to hell with the foot steadfast on the accelerator.
We are in the final phase of global destructive patriarchy. This election is a chance to avoid the extinction of humanity.
Perhaps you think that I am exaggerating. I wish it were so! 😘❤️🙏
The wikipedia site about David Ben-Gurion mentiones Nahum Goldmann with a quote about a conversation he had with Ben-Gurion, in which Ben-Gurion told him his opinion about their relationship with the Arabs. See quote attached with two images below.
For me it is not important if this quote represents exactly what Ben-Gurion said. Important for me as a Jew is the content of that quote, with which I agree.
There will never be peace between Israelis and Palestinians if Israelis refuse to acknowledge that it was wrong to say after 2000 years to the Palestinians: we are back - get out!
If peace talks started from this acknowledgement, then peace has a chance, probably in a secular two-state solution.
(I know that many fellow Jews will "hate" me now.)
If all women have equal rights AGAIN, all kind of discrimination, war, global warming, environmental destruction, exploitation of nature, and slavery have disappeared, all citizens have secure, decent food, housing, health insurance, pension, free access to public transport, etc., then the prerequisites are created that all people can finally LOVE AND BE LOVED freely, lustfully, tenderly, carefree, with impunity, because THIS makes us humans.Physicist, PhD., retired #patriarcalcapitalism