Notices by I wonder who this could be (, page 10
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 23:30:37 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso elaborate -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 23:28:51 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso >he doesn't know -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 23:26:58 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso why would i do that when i could seduce you (its working) -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 23:03:34 JST I wonder who this could be @paula @sysrq @methyltheobromine /tttt/ based
i'm just not sure on what -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:54:36 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:52:13 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso yeah im not trying its called a shitpost for a reason -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:51:20 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso what does that even mean -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:47:53 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso i dont want to talk to you i want to shitpost to you
we aren't having a real conversation baby -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:42:18 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso why so angry baby? -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:40:26 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso it doesn't thats why i play a man online often
i just want to make fun of you for acting like an argumentative retard
btw look at this cat -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:35:46 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso why not?
and half latvian population is russian you really think i've not met any by chance? silly -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:35:15 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso perv -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:34:05 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso lol no -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:33:32 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @nukie @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso "there's no women on the internet" its not 2008, not a man and not a troon, though i play a man sometimes -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:31:52 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso i know a few russians they all do it -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:21:56 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @dushman @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso all russians do krokodil -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:14:25 JST I wonder who this could be @40 @lina @meso @jihadjimmy @adachi i'm chronically offline -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:14:23 JST I wonder who this could be @40 @adachi @jihadjimmy @lina @meso i'm discriminated by @dushman for my drug abuse, he thinks he's better but he's a pole lmao -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 22:14:23 JST I wonder who this could be @40 @lina @meso @jihadjimmy @adachi dushman is always online except when you wanna hop on mumble -
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I wonder who this could be ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 21:38:16 JST I wonder who this could be @lina @adachi @jihadjimmy @meso actually i pretend to be a man online usually :yui_shrug: